
Tai Yi

Life Energy Flow Tai Yi is an ancient Chinese form of energy work that predates acupuncture. Tai Yi works with the meridian system, the energy distribution system in Chinese medicine. Meridians can be described as energetic rivers that carry physical, emotional, and mental frequencies. According to Chinese medicine, disease occurs when meridians stagnate, or get out of balance. There are over 4000 different and specific treatments to assist a wide range of issues, including, pain, disease, anger, fear, stress, depression and more. Tai Yi is a powerful and effective tool balancing the flow of energy to create movement and healing throughout the human energy system.

Steps to take before and after your Tai Yi session:

  • The most appropriate treatment for you will be based on our discussion of what you are working on and what outcome you are seeking.
  • Wear comfortable clothing that is not too bulky. It is preferable to wear a solid color. You will be removing your shoes and lying on a massage table.
  • Do not consume caffeine for at least one hour before your session.
  • Arrive to your appointment focused and relaxed. If you are ill with a virus the day of your appointment, please reschedule.
  • Remove all jewelry, belts, watches and anything containing metal as metal will interfere with the sending of energy.
  • Give yourself permission to heal. Be open to the energy and to what may surface in the way of emotions, feelings, thoughts, memories, or an overall peaceful calmness.
  • It is important to allow the energy to continue working after the treatment, so it is advised to refrain from any hot tubs or whirlpools with jets for at least three days. Do not receive any body work for five to seven days after receiving Tai Yi. This includes chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, chemo infusions, facials, and manicures or any other form of hands on work where applied pressure is involved. This will allow the treatment process to complete and be fully absorbed.
  • After the exercise, it is best to spend the rest of the day relaxing. Arrange your schedule to accommodate this time of healing for yourself.
  • Drink plenty of water after the treatment and during the next few days that follow.

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“Thank You!! The services provided are great, wonderful and make my shifts much better.”
“Literally the BEST experiences I’ve ever had at work in 10 years!!”
“My stress level was really high and I only had 7 minutes in the chair because our floor was super busy. My stress level went from a 10 to a 4. Thank you for this space.”
“Love having access to massage chairs. The staff are so welcoming and helpful. Thankful for the Wellness Lounge.”
“The wellness lounge is the best benefit in the hospital. I have some physical pain issues and now that I can sit in a massage chair a couple days a week it helps me get through my day, and through my week, and through my crazy life.”
“The addition of the Wellness Lounge on A tower main floor has been a wonderful thing for the employees to use. Thanks so much for doing this for us! Much appreciated.”
“The massage chair was amazing! Love the mindfulness resources & focus on bringing that to everyday practice. Thanks!”